After installing a fresh Arch, the system ist pretty bare and you might spend a long time thinking about which packages you might need. But even after installing all packages you came up with, the installation is likely followed by a long period where you regularly discover missing tools. To help to speed things up, here is a opinionated list of arch packages that most people might want to install. It's not meant as a list to blindly copy-paste, but rather as a checklist. For some packages, that won't be relevant for everyone, I added some comments.
# Hardware related and drivers alsa-firmware alsa-utils bluez-utils pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth linux-firmware v4l-utils wireless_tools wpa_supplicant networkmanager intel-ucode # If you use an Intel processor sof-firmware # Firmware for many sound cards linux-zen # Alternative kernel # Admin tools awk bash-completion base-devel curl dnsutils git gnupg inetutils iproute2 iptables iw iwd jq less lsof man net-tools nmap openssh strace sudo unzip usbutils whois # More Advanced Debugging Tools bcc bcc-tools bpf bpftrace tcpdump wireshark # Basic terminal applications bc neomutt # enhanced version of the mutt mail client neovim # enhanced successor of vim python-neovim screen tmux wget # Convenience terminal tools bat dust fd lynx ncdu ripgrep zoxide wl-clipboard # Command-line copy/paste utilities for Wayland xclip # Command-line copy/paste utilities for X11 xsel # Command-line copy/paste utilities for X11 # Replace by your favorite terminal emulator # If you haven't give kitty a try. kitty konsole # X and/or wayland + a display environment + display manager # Replace by your favorite choice wayland xorg-xwayland xorg sddm plasma-wayland-session # Common Desktop Applications chromium firefox firefox-i18n-de # Replace by your language thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-de # Replace by your language keepassxc vlc meld mpv youtube-dl slack hunspell-de # Replace by your language languagetool # More advanced spell and grammar checking # If you use a Yubikey libfido2 pcsclite hopenpgp-tools yubico-pam yubikey-manager yubikey-manager-qt yubikey-personalization
en arch linux